Informational Keywords vs. Transactional Keywords: Why Traffic Alone Won’t Pay the Bills

When it comes to SEO, many businesses measure success by how much traffic their website receives. After all, a surge in visitors must mean your strategy is working, right? Well, not exactly. While traffic is an important metric, it’s not the ultimate goal—revenue is. And not all traffic is created equal.

If your SEO strategy focuses solely on informational keywords—those designed to educate and build awareness—you may see a boost in visitors, but this traffic alone doesn’t pay the bills. What truly moves the needle are transactional keywords, those tied to purchase intent.

These are the searches made by people who are ready to take action—whether that’s making a purchase, scheduling a consultation, or requesting a quote. Transactional keywords are directly linked to revenue generation, which is why they need to play a central role in your SEO strategy.

What Are Informational Keywords?

Informational keywords are search terms people use when they’re in the research phase of the buyer’s journey. They’re looking for information, solutions to problems, or answers to questions, not necessarily ready to make a purchase. Common examples include searches like “how to fix a leaky faucet” or “best SEO practices for small businesses.” These searches signal curiosity and interest but rarely immediate intent to buy.

While informational keywords are essential for attracting top-of-the-funnel traffic and establishing your brand as an authority, they often don’t lead directly to conversions. Their value lies in building awareness and trust with your audience, which can ultimately support future sales—but that process takes time.

What Are Transactional Keywords?

On the other hand, transactional keywords are used by individuals who are much further along in the buyer’s journey. They are ready to act. These search terms are often paired with words like “buy,” “order,” “schedule,” or “consultation,” indicating high intent. For example, searches like “buy kitchen faucet online” or “SEO service pricing” show a clear readiness to make a decision.

Traffic driven by transactional keywords tends to convert at a much higher rate because these visitors are already primed to take action. They’ve done their research, and now they’re looking for the best option to meet their immediate needs. This is where the revenue-generating potential of your website truly comes into play.

Finding the Balance

The key to a successful SEO strategy isn’t choosing between informational and transactional keywords, but knowing how to balance both. Informational keywords are valuable for bringing in a wide audience and nurturing long-term relationships. They help to establish your credibility and educate potential customers about the solutions you offer.

However, if your SEO strategy leans too heavily on informational keywords, you’ll see lots of visitors but fewer conversions. That’s why transactional keywords should always be prioritized for driving immediate revenue. By strategically targeting these high-intent terms, you can ensure that your SEO efforts not only attract traffic but also convert visitors into paying customers.

Focus on What Moves the Needle

A well-rounded SEO strategy needs to prioritize both types of keywords. Informational content builds the foundation of your brand’s digital presence, but it’s the transactional keywords that convert awareness into action and ultimately drive revenue. By keeping a close eye on the terms that lead to sales, consultations, or inquiries, you can ensure your SEO strategy is moving the needle where it matters most—your bottom line.

In SEO, traffic is great, but conversions are better. Prioritizing transactional keywords ensures your traffic isn’t just numbers on a page—it’s real, revenue-driving business.