STL & KC Composting Success Story

STL and KC Composting is a family-owned business that has been nurturing soil since 1992. They were facing a bit of an email marketing slump and needed to reconnect with their audience, improve open and click rates, and boost their overall campaign performance. They needed an email marketing partner. That’s where Timmermann Group stepped in, ready to turn over a new leaf with some strategic email marketing.

a person holding mulch next to kc and stl composting logos

Winning the Clicks: Metrics that Matter

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Significant Increase in Open Rates

Conversion Increase

Enhanced Click Through Rates

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Successful Re-engagement Campaign

Inbox Investigation

Plotting the Perfect Email Plan

Timmermann Group conducted a thorough analysis of both STL and KC Composting’s email marketing history. This included evaluating past campaign performance and subscriber behavior and identifying key areas for improvement.

kc composting email mocked up

Crafting Click-Worthy Campaigns

Timmermann Group developed a custom strategy for each client, focusing on consistent communication, audience segmentation, and re-engagement efforts. The plan emphasized personalized content, compelling subject lines, and targeted messaging to specific subscriber segments.

st louis composting email mocked up

How TG Helped

Campaign Launch Strategy

We implemented a disciplined approach to campaign management, ensuring that newsletters were delivered consistently and on schedule. This steady stream of updates kept subscribers in the loop and eagerly awaiting the next email.

Audience Segmentation

It’s all about sending the right message to the right inbox. That’s why we segmented the email lists according to subscriber behavior and preferences. This strategic approach ensured that each message was tailored to its audience, resulting in higher engagement and improved performance metrics for STL and KC Composting.

Engagement Tactics

We turned up the charm, crafting subject lines and personalized content that made subscribers want to click. By highlighting top-performing content and products, we successfully increased click-through rates and conversions.

Revenue Tracking

We monitored the revenue generated from email campaigns, allowing for continuous strategy refinement and optimization. This data-driven approach ensured that the campaigns remained profitable and aligned with STL and KC Composting’s business goals.

Re-Engagement Tactics

To re-energize inactive subscribers, we launched targeted re-engagement campaigns. The results were particularly strong for STL Composting, with orders generated and an 11% click rate, demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategy.

stl composting and kc composting mocked up emails

Results: Sprouting Above the Standard

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Significant Increase in Open Rates

KC Composting achieved a 60.22% open rate, and STL Composting wasn’t far behind, with an impressive 48.60% open rate. Both are well above the industry benchmark of 20-25%, highlighting the effectiveness of our tailored email marketing content and engaging subject lines. These high open rates indicate that subscribers were not only interested but eager to see what each new email had to offer.

Conversion Increase

Enhanced Click Through Rates

STL Composting’s click-through rate came in at an outstanding 6.56%, more than double the industry average of 2.5-3%. This performance highlights the success of our approach, which included personalized content and targeted calls to action. Subscribers didn’t just open the emails; they actively engaged with the content, which led to a significant increase in traffic to key pages and ultimately drove conversions.

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Successful Re-engagement Campaign

When it came to re-engaging inactive subscribers, STL Composting’s campaign was a standout success. With an 11% click rate, it exceeds the industry standard of 3-4%. Our re-engagement efforts not only brought subscribers back to life but also sparked renewed interest and interaction.

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The Timmerman Group has consistently delivered exceptional marketing results for us. Steven, our account manager, ensures we're always taken care of, and Jess and the email marketing team consistently exceed our expectations. Their March campaigns for STL Composting were a huge success, surpassing targets and industry standards. Highly recommend!

- Sarah Hagan, St. Louis Composting

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